Welcome to BAV. If this is your first year paying with us, or if you are a returning member, knowing about your fees is as important as knowing about us. It is a requirement of the club that fees are paid in full before taking the field.
Fair Play vouchers can be used to go towards your fees. Please follow this link to apply.
Registration fees for the 2021 season
U6 – $100
U7 – $115
U8 – $115
U9 – $115
U10 – $115
U11 – $135
U12 – $135
U13 – $200
U14 – $200
U15 – $200
U16 – $200
U17 – $255
U18 – $255
Ladies – $310
Mens – $360
If you are under 18 but playing in senior Mens or Ladies, please register in your age group.
How to pay your fees
1. Pay online using your credit card at the time of registration (click here to register online).
2. Direct deposit to our bank account. Please ensure that you include the players full name in the payment description so that your payment can be identified by the Treasurer.
Account Name: Brothers Aston Villa FC
BSB: 084 571 (National Australia Bank)
Account Number: 50 171 7480
3. If you require a payment arrangement, please email president@bavfootball.org.au at the time of registration.
All players must pay in full and the balance to be paid by 1st June 2020 unless prior arrangements have been made with the Treasurer Melanie Taylor (phone 0407753338). Non-compliance will result in non-activation of your registration. Part payment plans are available.